benefits of
therapeutic tantric bodywork
Therapeutic tantric bodywork helps you release stored emotions, trauma and blockages that prevent your lifeforce energy to flow freely through your whole body. Liberating and healing the flow of your lifeforce energy in your body not only improves the amount of pleasure and depth you can experience in your intimate relationships...
it improves all areas of your life!
So how does that work?
Throughout our lives we all accumulate unresolved emotions, tension, stress, trauma and pain in the cellular memory of our bodies.
This can be from...
• Traumatic experiences
• Negative thinking patterns and limiting beliefs
• Conditioning around our sexual nature
• Transgenerational trauma and belief systems
• Overthinking, disconnection from the body
• Neglecting our body's desires, boundaries and needs
• Pressure to perform
and more.
Overtime this causes issues and blockages in our mental, physical and energetical bodies, our overall wellbeing and in our relationships and intimate life.
Lifeforce energy is the energy that runs through all living things. It is the energy that creates and fuels life.
When that energy flows freely through your body, you feel:
• Energized and alive
• Good in your body
• Inspired, creative
• In connection to your body
• Joyful, 'turned on' about life
Here is the paradox:
The source of your lifeforce energy lies in your pelvis.
At the same time, the pelvis is the place where we store a lot, if not most, of our stress, unresolved emotions and trauma's.
That is why it is so important to release our bodies and pelvis from these blockages.
Through mindful touch and deep awareness in the body, we can facilitate a safe space for the body to release what is stored there, to feel liberated, alive and deeply in touch with our true nature!
Therapeutic Tantric Bodywork is a form of holistic bodywork where, I offer exactly that:
A safe space, where, through slow and deep connection to your body, you are guided to release what is stored in your body and to unlock the healing power of your lifeforce energy.